How To Build A Shed Wall

A Short Illustrated Guide

This illustrated guide will show you briefly how to build a shed wall. There are many ways to do it - the one presented here is relatively simple and affordable. You can find a similar guide with photos on this site. Learn also how to build a shed foundation, shed roof and shed door.

Step 1.

Plan the design of your shed walls. Typically at least one of the walls will have a door and eventually a window.

We have choosen a simple design with two windows and two full walls.

If you are not using a pre-made shed plan make sure that the sizes of the walls fit each other.

Planning the designs of the four shed walls

Preparing the studs for the wall frame

Step 2.

We will build the third wall - it has a window and no door.

Find a flat area on the ground to build the wall there.

Prepare the main struds for the wall frame. Note how one of the sides has a double stud. This is where the two walls will connect to each other.

Step 3.

Install vertical studs at about 2 feet distance from each other.

Note the horizontal beams for the window. They are thicker than the other joists.

At this point it's still preferable if you can build the wall on the ground.

Installing vertical studs for the shed wall

Wall frame noggings

Step 4.

For more stability add horizontal noggings between all the studs.

Install studs under and above the window at 1 - 1.5 feet distance. Add unevenly spaced noggings between them.

For better isolation you can add wadding in thus formed spaces betwen the joists.

Step 5.

Cover both sides of the shed wall.

You can use cladding, hardboard, or plywood. Attach it with screws to the studs.

If you are using thick coverage it should not cover the 4 outer studs

Your shed wall is almost done.

Attaching cladding on both sides of the wall.

Decorating with boards

Step 6.

Finally, let's make the wall more robust and better looking.

Lag it with thin deal boards on to outer side.

Before nailing the board with nails treat it with varnish agains decay and woodworms.

That's it, you have only three more boards to do and you can start assembling the shed!

Do you have problem designing your shed walls? I recommend you to check these shed plans, pick a model you like and go ahead!

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