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Shed Building and Woodworking
How To Build And Maintain Your Storage Sheds, And Other DIY Stuff
Building things yourself is exciting and usually makes sense to your pocket. You can use some materials on hand and build it exactly the way you want it. Of course, buying a kit and building from it is an option as well.
We have some advice and ideas about how to build a shed on this site. Check that out and you may find it quie a fun project to do.

Sheds and Shed Kits
One of the most popuar methods to build a garden shed is by purchasing a kit. This site will help you choose a type of kit, pick a good supplier, save money and time and at the end - have a great garden shed.
Besides learning how to build a shed with a kit, you will gain general knowledge how to work with all kinds of kits and how to find the best ones at best price.
Sheds and Shed Plans
Do you want to take the things in your own hands? Do you want more challenging project or just to build your shed with almost no expenses?
Then building your outdoor shed using plans is the right choice for you. On this site you will learn how to do it, how to pick plans, how to read them, and everything you need to know about building a shed from scratch.
Barns, Alcove, Lodges, Benches... You Can Do It
You are just starting the magic of do-it-yourself projects in your garden. Building a shed is great, but why stop there? Once you start the journey you will want more and more. We'll share ideas about building all kind of stuff in your garden.
And More About Your Garden
After you learn how to build a shed maybe it will be time for the other buildings and outdoor structures in your garden. We have also developed a site about outdoor swing sets containing information and advice about swing sets.
Another interesting place is our new site about outdoor garden benches - it's a resource with articles, pictures and advice about your benches.
... And Home
What could be more important than your garden? Your home that's a part of it of course. We are developing other great garden & home related sites. Subscribe to the newsletter at right to be updated about them. At this moment you can already visit and enjoy the site about retro and mechanical toys.
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