The Outdoor Shed Building Process

By the time you are reading this I hope you have already learned a lot about building storage sheds. You are ready to start your small but exciting project. Depending on your availability you will have a great looking storage shed within a couple of weeks or a month.

Let's now recap the process so you can really take action:

  1. Choose the right material for your storage shed. Most sheds can be made of wood, metal or plastic. The wood is beautiful but can get rotten, the metal can rust, but is very sustainable to any other outside attacks, the plastic is probably the best, but could be more expensive. (lesson 2)

  2. Choose your storage shed location. You don't want to put your shed over important utility lines. You may want to see it from your window, but ensure that you have a permit to build it in any place or that such a permit is not needed. (lesson 3)

  3. Can you build a storage shed yourself? It's really not that hard if you have skillful hands, some experience and sense of geometry. Sometimes it can even save you money, although it takes time. But if you like to build things, doing it yourself is fun.

    To ensure that your project won't be a disaster, buy good downloadable plans. I can recommend you instant downloadable plans from - big choice and thin prices. (lesson 4)

  4. Building your shed with a construction kit. This is the most effective and enjoyable way to build your storage shed.
    Using a kit ensures that you have all the high quality materials and instructions at one place. It's cheaper than buying a ready shed and gives many more choices. It's also a lot easier and faster than building a kit yourself with a plan. I strongly recommend you that you consider using a good storage shed kit.
    The best place to buy excellent kits at reasonable prices is the Betty Mills Store (lesson 5)

The last thing I need to tell you is: just take action! If needed go back to our site about build it yourself sheds and learn the articles again, but then start action.
If you read this tutorial but don't do anything, you have just wasted your time. If you are not sure which method to choose, buy instantly downloadable shed plans and see if you feel like doing this job yourself.

I wish you great success. Just don't postpone, start right now. See you in the next lesson with some last thoughts!

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